Monday, October 11, 2010

At the edge.

At the edge of manifest destiny
And determined to do well
While we wonder in amazement
Sunset and sand
On the road
Admiring the formation of bird flocks
Sequenced in flight, even as the wind blows
The fury of waves as rocks stand solid
The enormity that is ocean set to a back drop
Spiritual seekers surrounded by cloudy thought
On a path to humble higher consciousness
Expose the ego, submit to the collective
Speak sacred spells as time stands still
We are here merely to do creators will
And we will
On a path towards our collective past
For the sake of all our relations
And those who’ve yet to be born
We are strangers turned comrades
Now kin
And on this road we seek ancient spirit within
Staring off into the sun
And the heat of the sun heals the soul
And waves crashing remind us of our stature
And the sun setting remind us of our humanity
And here we stand. Hopeful that we will heal
And we will

1 comment:

  1. quisiera ser tan positiva como este las letras de este poema.
